Thursday, July 15, 2021

Full-Time Camping with a Germaphobe

 First let me introduce myself.  I am Lisa, 47 and along for this ride is my husband Raider now 46.  We went to school with each other for 4th through 8th grade. We then went separate ways until 2016 when we reconnected on Facebook.  I asked if he wanted to go to coffee, and he said yes and canceled about 2 times.  He explained what was going on and I understood.  Imagine my surprise when he messaged me for coffee about a year later.  We met at Starbucks and spent 6 hours talking.  We have not been apart for more than 5 days since that day, and we were married in 2019.

In January 2021, we decided to give full time camper living a try.  What better way to see this country than to travel around in a camper.  We can stay or go depending on if we like the area.  My job was remote so why not.  In February, we bought a 33 ft trailer brand-new. In March a 2021 Ford F-150 was purchased.  In April, I had a mental breakdown.  My job is now gone, but we are still going to try to live this life.

My wonderful husband is a germaphobe.  He wears gloves to take the trash out.  He washed his hands about 100 times a day and always used hand sanitizer before it was “cool”.  So how in the world will we ever do this, I mean we dump our own POOP!

In the coming months I will have funny stories and great pictures and videos.  Please like, and follow as I take you all along on this crazy adventure.

1 comment:

Let's talk bathrooms

  I measured my bathroom today.  3 feet by 4.5 feet.  That is all for the entire bathroom including a toilet, bathtub/shower sink and counte...