Thursday, July 29, 2021

Let's talk bathrooms

 I measured my bathroom today.  3 feet by 4.5 feet.  That is all for the entire bathroom including a toilet, bathtub/shower sink and counter.  Our whole standing room is 1 foot by 1½ feet.  It is small. If I needed to I could use the shower but so far it has been used for storage.  I can also put my feet in the tub while I pee.  Upside pedicure while you wait.

But let’s talk about what happens in the bathroom.  When you need to go you go to your 36-46 square foot bathroom away from your family and you let go the largest fart of your life followed by explosive diarrhea. Ok all done then you flush and realize you got some on you.  No big deal you jump in your shower and take a 20-min shower.  And your family is none the wiser.

Take that same scenario, but your entire home is 8 feet by 31 feet. Here you squeeze into your bathroom.  Put your feet up on the tub and let one rip.  You now hear from anyone in the trailer “Damn” that was a good one.  Explosive diarrhea, Not only can they hear it, you will now hear “You better have turned on the fart fan.”  To top it all off later that week you will be outside dumping it yourself. Got some on you?  You have 2 choices: 

Admit you shit on yourself, grab your bathroom gear and head off to the showers or;

Admit you shit on yourself, and ask for help getting everything out of the tub to take a shower.

At least when you pee, no one can hear.  Nope not true.  You hear everything, you no longer have any mystery left at that point.  Your partner will know that sound came out of you and damn, that smell too.

You may not know that you have to use special toilet paper that runs about 7-8 dollars for 6 rolls oh yeah and that is only for 2 ply.  It also breaks down a lot faster, sometimes in your hands. So how do you keep down there clean?  We purchased individual portable bidets.  These things are the best! You point shoot and you get a baby bath for your special area pat dry and you are done.  It works so well, I will not go back to TP except in emergency situations.

Shower’s you ask?  Our bathtub is the size of a bathtub you put in your tub for an infant.  So imagine standing in the baby's tub trying not to fall and top it all off you get a whole 6 gallons of hot water.  This is why we have not used it.  So far we have been lucky and have had clean bathrooms at our campgrounds but I know that will not last.  We will see how long my husband will use campground showers.  How dirty does it need to be?  Stay tuned to find out.

Just remember, when your wife leaves her makeup everywhere, or your husband leaves hair in the sink.  At least you can turn around in your bathroom.

Please let me know if you have any questions :) Talk to you soon.

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Let's talk bathrooms

  I measured my bathroom today.  3 feet by 4.5 feet.  That is all for the entire bathroom including a toilet, bathtub/shower sink and counte...